What is Hospice?

What is hospice?

The Hospice Concept

In its earliest origins, Hospice means a place of shelter for travelers on a difficult journey. For patients, families and friends faced with a terminal illness, Hospice means a place to turn and a team of people to be by your side.

Often people think of home care when they think of Hospice, and in many ways it is that, and more.

Hospice is an innovation in care built upon the concept of individual choice, and one of the choices Hospice provides is the ability for a patient with a life-limiting illness to stay at home surrounded by family and friends.

Hospice brings together a team of specially trained professionals and volunteers who work with the patient’s doctor to provide a plan of care woven with the dignity of choice and power of love.

Making no attempt to hasten or delay death, Hospice focuses on controlling the patient’s pain and symptoms, while helping family and friends cope with the stress and emotions illness can bring.

From the first days of a life-limiting illness to long past the loss of a loved one, Hospice offers a mainstay of resources and respite, help and hope to affirm a meaningful quality of life for all at the journey’s end.

The Hospice Promise

Hospice promises confidential comfort and care, compassion and counseling when it’s needed most and where patients most want to be whether in a long-term care facility, in-patient residence or at home.

Hospice promises to affirm the power of choice and preserve a quality of life in every way possible.

Hospice promises to address the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of patients and their families, with a deep respect for the patient’s wishes at the heart of it all.

Hospice promises to be there, to help and to care.

Hospice Philosophy and Goals

Hospice philosophy respects the rights of patient and family:

  • The right to enjoy the highest quality of life possible.
  • The right to die with dignity, as dignity is perceived by the patient.
  • The right to actively participate in managing the remaining life span, the dying process and the event of death.
  • The right to remain a viable family member in the environment of choice.
  • The right to have his/her needs considered on a personal, individual basis.

Hospice strives to achieve excellence in its set objectives:

  • Good physical care and relief of pain and other symptoms during illness without great mental or physical incapacitation.
  • Ongoing emotional support of patients and family caregivers throughout illness.
  • Support of the patient’s participation as an active family member by enabling him/her to remain at home and by offering services to accommodate family relationships.
  • Assistance to the patient and the family in working through the grieving process and other issues involved in serious illness, changes in lifestyle and loss.
  • Assistance with the family’s healthy resolution of bereavement issues up to a year or more after the death of the patient as needed.
  • Initiation and maintenance of an ongoing community Hospice education program to keep Hospice available to the families, friends and neighbors of our community.

Award Winning

We’ve won more awards than we can count, but we don’t let that go to our heads. We dedicate ourselves to every project.

Expert Team

Your project will be handled by experts every time. We make sure you have the most experienced professionals working for you. 

Quality Guaranteed

You’ll find the support you need to ensure that things runs smoothly. We’re here to help you with any questions.









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Jodi Black, Dallas
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